
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The picture above is a part of the “red light” district in Jaco Costa Rica. When someone passes by a massage or salon parlor and there is a red lightpost in front of the place that means that the salon is a front for a prostitution ring. The big red building is the center hub in town for the sex ring going on. Please pray for the men and women involved in this sad business. Thank you 


I am currently posting this blog from a cute little coffee shop called Bread & Chocolate in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica. I walked an hour to get here for my Sabbath day. My squad and I are resting and recovering from some sickness that has been attacking us. Stomach cramps, migraines and diarrhea have been hard to deal with these past two weeks, but the joy and strength of the Lord keeps us going and doing ministry when we can. Please continue to pray for Gap I and our spiritual, mental and physical health. 


While being in Costa Rica I have traveled to the city of Jaco, San Ramon, San Jose, and now Puerto Viejo. These past two months have been filled with all the costs good and hard of being a disciple of Christ. I have learned that ministry doesn’t just happen during set time periods and scheduled events. Ministry is a daily heart posture and surrender to the Lord. Ministry and fulfilling the Great Commission happens 24/7 no matter where you are. It’s an outward symbol of an inward change that can only be poured out by overflowing love that Jesus gives us each day. Like my squadmate Hayden Lacy said during our time in training camp “Since I have experienced Jesus for myself now, there is no going back.” Going back to a life without Jesus, going back to a life where ministry didn’t exist daily is not an option now. Because of the love Jesus has shown me and other followers of Christ, that is why we are sharing who Jesus is with others and inviting them into the gift of eternal life and peace with Jesus Christ. That is what we have been learning to do while in Costa Rica. Our ministry has been looking like painting lightposts, cleaning up garbage and litter in the cities and beaches, praying for the secret underground sex ring in Jaco when we pass their buildings and prostitutes/clients on the street, evangelising to strangers and praying for them in the cities at night and during the day, worship ministry in the streets, camp ministry at La Montaña Christian camp, abundant manual labor, and now starting tomorrow we will begin on the construction of a house for an in need family in the community of Puerto. The Lord has been showing me that He can intercede no matter the time or place or circumstance. I have also been learning that God’s will, will prevail. He doesn’t need me to make redemption happen in someone’s life, but He chooses to use me. That in itself is a gift and I am honored to be used by God in any big or miniscule way. 


The other day during night ministry I was standing on the beach with my virgin strawberry daiquiri trying to fit in at this beach party so the Lord would open up a door for my group and I to connect with someone and show God’s love. I didn’t know where to go and I decided in that moment to pray for a vision of someone to talk to or a sign to lead me in the right direction. I immediately got a vision of a happy black man in long dreads laughing. I said “ok Lord have your way” and I began to walk the beach farther along with my group. We came to an opening on the beach that was illuminated by a small bonfire and smoke from it. I couldn’t see the group of people sitting over there but when I got closer a guy called us over to sit and he said “come, all is welcome here.” Immediately my team and I sat down by the fire with them. Mackenzie sat with a couple from Germany, and Caedmon sat with a man from Wisconsin. I sat with a Tiko man and he began to talk about life and how he was vibing. He was clearly intoxicated by the smell of alcohol on his breath but also had a happy vibe about him. Deep in his eyes though I could see he didn’t trust me and was sad about something. I began to ask him questions about his life and he shut me off saying he didn’t know me so why should he share. Instead I shared who I was and why I was here and how I just wanted to love on the people of Costa. He then told me about his job as an adventure guide and how he didn’t have a Christmas because he didn’t have anyone and his family was dead. He admitted he was happy his family died and when I asked why, he said he wouldn’t share. I could see he had a lot of hurt in his heart. Illuminated in the firelight I realized who I was talking to, a black Tiko man with short but still visible dreads. The vision God had gave me came to pass. I immediately starting telling him he was loved, not alone and that Jesus loved him and by the time I left it seemed the atmosphere was a little less sad. 


This was just one story about God’s goodness here in Costa. I don’t share this story to gratify myself or put myself on a pedestal. I just share this story to let others know that Jesus’ light is still being shared. To God be all the glory. As my squad leaves for Guatemala on January 7th please pray for safe travels, good health and joy. Our route got changed to Guatemala instead of Thailand now because of Covid sadly, but God is still good and has a plan. Love you guys, God bless!! 


5 responses to “vida pura en Jesucristo”

  1. God’s love is so powerful and precise. His Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways! Rejoicing and praying with you. I love you!!!??

  2. God‘s blessings on you, Maggie, as you continue on the path God has set for you. God needs all of us who believe as the Word has revealed that as we go, go with our mission to share the light that He brought into a dark world and look, listen, touch and bring hope through His great Gift to those will accept it. Thank you for being there for us. Love you and pray for all of you.

  3. You are always in our morning prayers.
    Loved reading this. Thank you for sharing. We will look forward to your